Norway is one of the Top 10 and Top 100 favorite tourist destinations throughout Northern Europe and worldwide, respectively.
So, what makes this country attractive to tourists? The fjords, the midnight sun, and the fjords are among the few natural attractions that make the country a compelling tourist destination.
With that said, here at Explore Norway, we do our best to be the most reliable online travel resource, offering numerous relevant advice and tips for backpackers planning to visit this Scandinavian country.
The various details on our website range from general information about Norway, such as its currency, language, population, etc., to a few specific pieces of information, such as the country’s brief history, geography, wildlife, festivals, and holidays.
Additionally, we provide countless travel industry-related business listings from all over the country. In this case, local tourism offices, destination marketing companies, and other affiliate third-party entities have made such business listings possible.
Since the start of this online travel resource, we have made it our mission and vision to promote a highly sustainable mode of travel and be the most accessible point of reference for travelers going to Norway.
So, for the most up-to-date details about traveling to Norway, visit our website from time to time.